Advanced Code Configuration
Setting the parameters

By default, Web-Stat records the pages visitors go to by using their URLs as shown in the browser's URL window. In some cases you may want Web-Stat to use a different way to name pages. This is what this parameter is for. You can set it in two different ways :

The ability to name pages is very useful if your URLs are long and complicated, and/or if they use query strings (a question mark followed by a string of parameters). In that case naming your pages inside the Web-Stat code will make your stats much more legible


By default Web-Stat is invisible, however you can change that setting in the Control Panel, which would cause a counter to appear on all your pages. If you want to overrule the general setting and make a counter appear only on a specific page, you can do so with this parameter :


If you want a visible counter, you don't have to use one of the 175 digit styles we offer. Instead you can have the counter appear on your site as plain text, which can be formatted to look exactly like the rest of the text on your page and inserted into any paragraph or sentence. For example, this is what we use to tell you that the Web-Stat site has received visitors to date. To do this on your site, simply replace :

var text_counter='#';

with :

var text_counter='yes';

Note that the counter links to your stat's login page ; if you want to style the text differently (so that it does not look like a link for instance), simply add a simple styling instruction in your page's html, like this :

<style type="text/css">
#wts_counter { color:#3B317D; text-decoration: none; font-weight:normal }

The above is only an example : you can style the counter in any way that you wish.