Understanding the Navigation Flows Report

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What You are Seeing

  • Nodes (Circles Around the Wheel): Each node represents a page on your website. The size of a node corresponds to the total number of visits to that page, including both incoming and outgoing traffic.
  • Connections (Lines Between Nodes): Each line represents the flow of users from one page to another. The thickness of the line indicates the volume of users navigating between those pages. Thicker lines represent higher traffic.
  • Directionality: Arrows on the lines show the direction of navigation (e.g., Home → Shop).
  • Hover Details: When you hover over a node or connection, detailed information is displayed, such as:
    • Over a connection: the number of users moving between specific pages and the direction of navigation.
    • Over a node: he total visits to or from a particular page.

Key Insights You Can Gain

  • Identify Popular Pages: Larger nodes highlight the most visited pages on your site.
  • Discover Common Navigation Paths: Thicker lines show the most frequently followed paths between pages.
  • Spot Key Entry and Exit Points: Entry pages have mostly outgoing connections, while exit pages have mostly incoming connections.
  • Analyze Relationships: Understand how pages interact and identify hubs or bottlenecks.

What This Report Does Not Show

  • Exact User Sequences: The chart aggregates transitions and does not display the full click-by-click sequence of navigation.
  • Timing or Duration: It does not reflect how long users spent on each page or the time between clicks.

Tips for Using This Report

  • Focus on Critical Pages: Look for pages with high traffic (large nodes) or strong connections (thick lines) to optimize user flows.
  • Reduce Drop-Offs: Identify pages with high incoming traffic but few outgoing connections and improve their usability or calls-to-action.
  • Optimize Path Efficiency: Streamline paths leading to key conversion pages, such as Cart or Checkout.

Why Is It Useful?

  • Improve Site Navigation: Visualize how traffic flows through your site and spot inefficiencies or areas needing improvement.
  • Enhance User Experience: Identify underperforming pages or pathways to optimize for better engagement.
  • Strategic Decision-Making: Gain a bird’s-eye view of relationships between pages to support better content and design decisions.
  • Focus Resources: Prioritize changes to high-traffic pages or frequently used pathways for the most impact.

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