Naming Pages

make your stats easier to read

Some of your stats reports refer to specific pages inside your site ; for instance the 'page views' report or the 'click-paths' report list all your pages. In order for Web-Stat to present your data clearly, you can choose between several different display modes:

  1. By URL: this is the default. In this case we record the page's URL ( and use this in your stats.

    Note that by default the URL's query string is hidden for clarity. However, you can choose to show it by selecting that option in the report's settings.

  2. By short URL: instead of showing the full URL, which always contains your domain name '', we show only the path '/some_page.html' or '/' for the root home page. This avoids showing redundant (and not really useful) information and makes the reports less busy and easier to read.
  3. By Page Title: here we record the HTML title of the page (the title that appears at the very top of your browser window) and use it to refer to the page inside the stats.
  4. By Custom Page Name: if you use the advanced version of the Web-Stat tracking code, you can manually specify a page name by editing the var page_name='#'; line on the page in question. For instance if on a given page you replaced :
    var page_name='#';
    with :
    var page_name='support_main';
    that page would be referred to as support_main in the stats, regardless of its title or its URL
  5. By Custom Page Group: this allows you to group pages and treat them as one in your stats. For instance you might have 10 different pages in your help section, but you want to have an overall view of the traffic for the help section as a whole. This can be accomplished by defining a page group in the tracking code on your site. You will need to use the advanced version of the Web-Stat tracking code, you can then manually specify a page group by editing the var page_group='#'; line on the page in question. For instance if on a group of pages you replaced :
    var page_group='#';
    with :
    var page_group='support';
    all pages with that tag would be grouped in the reports and referred to as 'support' in the stats, regardless of their title or URL.

You can easily switch from one display mode to another in the stats. Above each report is a configuration bar with a scroll down list where you can choose to display your stats by URL, title, page name or page group. In the Live Visitors report, click on the cog icon in the top menu bar to access this option.