Installing Web-Stat on your site
step-by-step instructions
What do I need to do ?
For traffic analysis to start you need to add a few lines of HTML What is HTML ?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language ; it is the language in which all web pages are written. If you look at a web page, what you are really seeing is an HTML file (something like index.html or index.htm) which a browser reads and displays on your computer screen in a human-readable format
Every web page is actually an HTML file. You can easily look at that file : simply hover your mouse over any text portion of the page (i.e. not a picture) then right-click and select 'View > Source' in the popup menu. A window will then open showing you the underlying HTML.
The Web-Stat code which you need to install in your site is written in HTML and as such it is advised that you access your main page's HTML, then insert the code directly into it.
(the Web-Stat code) to all of your site's pages (at least to the main entrance page if you can not install on all pages)
How do I go about it ?
Ideally the code needs to be added directly inside the page's HTML What is HTML ?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language ; it is the language in which all web pages are written. If you look at a web page, what you are really seeing is an HTML file (something like index.html or index.htm) which a browser reads and displays on your computer screen in a human-readable format
Every web page is actually an HTML file. You can easily look at that file : simply hover your mouse over any text portion of the page (i.e. not a picture) then right-click and select 'View > Source' in the popup menu. A window will then open showing you the underlying HTML.
The Web-Stat code which you need to install in your site is written in HTML and as such it is advised that you access your main page's HTML, then insert the code directly into it.
. Depending on how you go about editing your web site, the exact way to do this will vary. You will find below step-by-step instructions for a few well known editors, as well as more general instructions if your own editor is not in the list.
If you do not know how to make changes to your own site, you'll need to ask your webmaster to do the installation: simply tell him that he will find all necessary instructions at, give him your account's ID, and he should be able to do the installation for you in a few minutes.
Keep in mind that in almost every case, as long as your site can be edited, Web-Stat can be installed (even if you don't have direct access to your HTML). If you get stuck, contact us and we'll help you out.
Step-by-step instructions for a few popular editors:
- 3DVista
- (Blogspot)
- Dakno Real Estate
- Godaddy (web hosting)
- Godaddy (web site builder)
- Gooogle Sites
- Google Tag Manager
- Joomla
- Microsoft Office Live
- Microsoft Publisher
- MoonFruit
- Network Solutions
- Network Solutions Store
- Overblog
- Shopify
- SquareSpace
- Webnode
- Weebly
- Wix
- Wordpress (plugin)
- Wordpress (use your own account)
- Other Editors
A very good explanation on how to install Web-Stat on 3DVista by Shiningstarinteractive.
3DVista Instructions
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to your blog
- sign in
- click on the bog editor button and choose 'layout'
- click on 'Add a Gadget'
- in the popup window choose on 'HTML/Javascript'
- paste the code in the HTML window and save
- move the gadget where you want it on your page
- click on 'save arrangement'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to the Dakno login page and login
- click on 'Plugins' in the left menu bar
- click on 'Add Plugin' the select 'General Widget - Body'
- click in the Plugin box and paste the tracking code
- click on 'Save'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to
- log in
- go to 'My Account > Visit my account'
- click on 'Web Hosting' then on 'launch' next to your web site
- a new window will open entitled 'Hosting Details'. In this new window scroll down and click on 'File Manager' under 'Tools'
- another window opens
- in that new window, click on the page on which you want to add the code
- insert the cursor at the bottom of the editor just above the </body> tag
- paste the code you copied earlier
- click on 'save' then on 'close'
- do the next page
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to
- log in
- go to 'My Account > Visit my account'
- click on 'Web site builder' then on 'launch' next to your web site
- click on 'Edit site'
- from the left menu bar, select an 'HTML code' element and drag it to the bottom of your page
- click on the newly created element then on 'Settings' in the popup window
- delete the current content of the window the paste the code in its place
- click on 'save'
- click on 'publish' at the top
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- login at
- click on your site
- click on 'Edit Page'
- on the editor menu bar click on 'HTML'
- insert the cursor at the bottom of the content window
- paste the code you copied earlier
- click on 'update'
- click on 'save' in the editor menu bar to save your changes
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into your Joomla account as Admin
- click on 'Template Manager'
- in the 'Templates' column, click on the assigned template
- click on 'edit main page template'
- in the template editor, scroll down to the </body> tag (near the bottom)
- Just ABOVE the </body> tag, insert the cursor and paste the code you copied earlier
- If your template does not contain HTML, scroll down to the ?> tag and paste the code after it (if the ?> tag is not found, add it at the very end, then paste the code after it)
- click on 'save'
- go back to the 'Template Manager'
- in the 'Style' column, click on the assigned template
- click on the 'Mobile' tab
- set 'iPhone Custom Theme' and 'iPhone Custom Theme' to OFF
- click on 'save'
- NOTE: if you change template you will have to repeat the installation process
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the simplified version of the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into your Office Live account
- click on 'Web Site' in the left column
- Insert the cursor where you want to add Web-Stat
- In the editor's menu bar click on Module > HTML
- insert the cursor anywhere in the text area
- paste the code you copied earlier
- save your changes
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- open your page in Microsoft Publisher
- click on bottom of page
- click Insert, Advanced and select 'HTML'
- place your cursor where you would like to insert the counter - anywhere between the <Body> and </Body> tags
- paste the code you copied earlier
- click OK
- save and publish your page
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- Go to Moonfruit and login
- Click on 'Edit'
- Click on the '+' symbol in the menu bar to add a new element
- We need to install in the footer so that the code gets added automatically to each page
- Click on 'HTML Snippet' and place the object in the footer (this is where Web-Stat will display)
- In the editor window click on 'Setup', paste the tracking code in the text area then click on 'Apply'
- save and publish your page
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the simplified version of the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to your site editor login page and login
- click on 'Pages' in the top menu bar
- click on 'Edit' to the right of the page on which you want to add the code
- click on 'view HTML' for the bottom of the page
- scroll down to the very end of window and insert the cursor
- paste the code you copied earlier
- click on 'Save & Return'
- repeat for any other pages
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the simplified version of the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into your store manager
- click on 'Design' in the top menu bar
- click on 'Site Design' in the 'design Options' section
- click on 'Header and Footer'
- in the 'Manage Footer' section click on 'view HTML'
- click inside the footer editor/box and place the cursor at the very end
- paste the code you copied earlier
- click on 'Save & Return'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the simplified version of the XHTML Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into your Overblog account
- Click on 'Configurer'
- Click on 'Mise en page'
- In the section where you want to install Web-Stat click on the 'hammer' icon (configurer le module)
- Click on the 'HTML' button in the menu bar
- paste the code you copied earlier
- Click on 'mettre a jour'
- Click on 'valider'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
Unfortunately Picasa albums can not be customized ; as a result Web-Stat can not be installed
- click here to open a new window containing the standard version of the XHTML Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into your Point2Agent account
- at the very top look for website : Jump to >>
- select 'Edit'
- click on 'Edit Content' under 'Custom Content'
- a window appear with a menu bar and your content underneath
- click on the 'Source' icon in the menu bar : this shows your content in HTML format
- paste the code you copied earlier
- Click on 'OK'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into
- click on the web site you want to edit
- click on 'Do it myself website solution'
- click on 'Build Edit and Publish My Site'
- click on 'Edit your site now'
- add a content block at the bottom (choose a basic rectangular one)
- select 'Text' and click on 'OK'
- click on 'click to edit text'
- in the grey menu bar of the text editor click on 'HTML'
- add a content block at the bottom (choose a basic rectangular one)
- in the HTML source editor paste the code you copied earlier
- click on 'Update'
- click on 'Publish'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
If you have a Shopify site you can install the Web-Stat app directly from the Shopify App Store.
That's it: Web-Stat is now active and recording all new visitors to your site! To access your stats and set your preferences, click on 'Apps' in the Shopify menu bar on the left, then click on 'Web-Stat'.
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to the SquareSpace login page and login
- click on the site to which you want to add tracking
- click on 'Settings'
- click on 'Advanced'
- click on 'Code Injection'
- Scroll down to the 'Footer' section, click in it and paste the Web-Stat code at the cursor's location, then click on 'Save'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the simplified version of the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to
- click on "s'identifier" and log in
- click on "presentation"
- click on "barre de menu"
- from 'elements disponibles' add a 'text' element to the 'barre de menu'
- edit the text element
- paste the code you copied earlier
- close the text element window
- click on 'sauver les changements'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- go to, click on 'Login' and enter your credentials
- under 'my projects' click on 'manage website'
- click on the 'start to edit' button
- in the top menu click on 'More' the on 'Embed code'
- insert the cursor in the 'Embed code' box
- paste the code you copied earlier
- if you see 'Content of this block has been disabled due to security reasons....': simply ignore
- repeat on all the pages you wish to monitor
- click the 'Publish' button in the top menu bar
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into your account
- click on the 'rendering' screen to edit your web site
- at the very bottom click on 'other'
- drag a custom HTML element on your page
- double-click to edit the HTML
- paste the code in the HTML window
- click on 'Publish'
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- log into your Weebly account and edit your site
- click on 'Build' in the top menu bar
- click on '</> Embed Code' in the left menu bar and drag the element onto your page
- paste the code in the 'Embed Code' area
- repeat on all your pages
- publish your changes
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
If you have a Weebly site at the starter level or above, you can install the Web-Stat app directly from the Weebly App Center.
That's it: Web-Stat is now active and recording all new visitors to your site! To access your stats and set your preferences, go to the 'Web-Stat' section of your Weebly dashboard.
If you have a Wix site you can install the Web-Stat app directly from the Wix App Market.
After Web-Stat has been added, save your changes, publish your site and you are done! Web-Stat will now record all new visitors to your site. To access your stats and set your preferences, use the Web-Stat app Settings Panel from your Wix site editor.
If you have a WordPress site you can install the Web-Stat app directly from the Plugins Directory.
- log into your WordPress admin page
- click on 'Plugins' in the left menu bar
- click on 'Add New' at the top left of the page
- enter 'Web-Stat' in the 'search plugins' box (top right)
- in the Web-Stat box click on 'Install Now' then on 'Activate'
That's it: Web-Stat is now active and recording all new visitors to your site! To access your stats and set your preferences, use the Web-Stat link in the WordPress admin menu bar.
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- Log into your Wordpress account
- Click on 'Customize' in the side bar on the left
- Click on 'Widgets'
- Click on '+' then on 'Browse all'
- Click on 'Code'
- Click on '<>' then select 'Custom HTML'
- Paste the code in the box then click on 'Publish
... That's it ! You can now test your installation
- click here to open a new window containing the Web-Stat code to be added to your site
- copy the code
- open your web site editor
- most editors offer an option to edit the site in HTML:
- Either a straightforward HTML mode which allows you to work directly on the pages' HTML
- Or the ability to add an HTML widget onto your pages
- open your site's main page using your web editor in HTML mode
- put the cursor just above the </body> tag at the end of the file (for instance, or anywhere else between the <body> and </body> tags if you know what you are doing - see here for more info on positionning the counter)
- paste the code you copied earlier
- Insert an HTML widget onto your page
- Edit the widget
- paste the code you copied earlier and save
- Either a straightforward HTML mode which allows you to work directly on the pages' HTML
- save your modified web page
- repeat for the next page you wish to track (we advise to insrall on all of the site's pages if possible)
- publish your site
... That's it ! You can now test your installation