Referrer Tracking
where is my traffic coming from?
Web-Stat automatically tracks visitors sent to your site by other sites or search engines (the referrers). The results are then presented in three reports:
This listing shows the cumulative number of visits from all the referrers that have sent traffic to your site during the selected period. Previous months data is available from the archive bar above the report
Note that you can regroup similar referrers under a common name. For instance if you receive visitors from and, you may want to look only at the total and regroup all these referrals under the heading 'Google'. To achieve this, simply click on the 'group referrers' link in the menu bar above the report.
The Monthly Referrers report also includes, for each one of your referrers:
- Time on Site. This measures visitors engagement with your site and goes hand-in-hand with the average visit depth metric (below). Usually the higher the average time on site, the better.
- Visit Depth. The depth of a visit is the number of pages a visitor saw during his session on your site. Like time-on-site, it is a measure of visitors engagement with your site. Usually the higher the average visit depth, the better
- Bounce Rate. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who come to your site and leave after seeing only one page. In the case of bounce rates, lower is better. A low bounce rate indicates that (1) your landing page is good at engaging the user and retaining his attention and (2) the referrer traffic is targeted to what your site offers. In other words people did not find you by mistake and clicked back: they were indeed searching for the information you make available.
- Conversions. The conversions for the particular referrer, as raw numbers or as color-coded percentage of the traffic. To display the conversions menu, click on the check mark in the top menu bar.
This graph shows how many visitors were sent to your site each week by each one of your referrers. It is extremely helpful to detect any drop or increase in traffic from a particular referrer and to check the validity of your referencing/marketing strategy.
Note that you can set several options on that graph:
- navigate the timeline using the handles just under the graph itself.
- click on a given referrer in the legend to hide it. The graph's scale is then recalculated.
- by clicking on successive referrers you can zoom in towards the bottom of the graph as needed
As in the monthly referrers report above, you can regroup similar referrers under a common name. For instance if you receive visitors from and, you may want to look only at the total and regroup all these referrals under the heading 'Google'. To achieve this, simply click on the 'group referrers' link in the menu bar above the report.
This is a real-time detailed list of the last 100, 500 or 1000 visitors to your site. When a referrer is detected it will be displayed in the 'Referrers' column. In the case of search engines, we will also display the keywords used to find you (when available).
Important Notes :
Referrers detection will not work if you are using the simplified version of the Web-Stat code. The standard or advanced version is required.
You can gather an amazing amount of information with Web-Stat referrer tracking. Measuring the return of pay-per-click, email or banner advertisement campaigns is a popular example and can be achieved easily if you properly configure your account. Please click here for additional information on this topic.