Browsers, OS & Devices Reports

What equipment is my site viewed with?

Web-Stat automatically tracks the equipment used by visitors to view your site.

All the reports include, for each type of equipment:

For your convenience, the time-on-site, visit depth, bounce rate and conversions percentages columns are color-coded to identify deviation from the site's average. Pink cells indicate results worse than average while green cells indicate results better than average. The deeper the color the greater the deviation from average. Some cells are colored yellow, meaning that there is not enough data to make them statistically relevant.

The three metrics above are used to make sure that there is no browser or OS for which your site is performing poorly. There are no right or wrong values for bounce rate, time on site or visit depth, however, if you notice that this metrics are in the pink (or red) zone for a particular browser or OS (or combination) then it may indicate a design issue for your site under these viewing conditions. Try to get your hands on that particular equipment and view your site with it to make sure everything is OK.

There are five reports available:

  1. Browsers & OS report:
    Browsers and OS

    This listing shows the cumulative number of visits from all the browser & OS combinations used to view your site during the selected period, regardless of the type of device. Previous months data is available from the archive bar above the report

  2. Browsers report:

    This listing shows the cumulative number of visits from all the browsers used to view your site during the selected period, regardless of the OS or the type of device. Previous months data is available from the archive bar above the report

  3. OS report:

    This listing shows the cumulative number of visits from all the OS used to view your site during the selected period, regardless of the browser or the type of device. Previous months data is available from the archive bar above the report

  4. Devices report:

    This listing shows the cumulative number of visits from all the devices used to view your site during the selected period. Previous months data is available from the archive bar above the report

  5. Screen Sizes report:
    Screen Sizes

    This listing shows the cumulative number of visits for the diffent types of screens used to view your site during the selected period, regardless of the OS, browser or the type of device. Previous months data is available from the archive bar above the report

  6. Browsers, OS, Devices & Screen Sizes of individual visitors:
    Equipment of individual visitors

    The Visitors Details report shows two icons, one for the browser, one for the OS of each individual visitors. Hover over these cells to view the full User Agent string for this visitor