Web-Stat API
get your stats programmatically in XML
You can now access your traffic stats and visitors details programmatically in XML format. There are two main access points:
1. Stats Summary
Generates an XML file with, for each day that traffic has been measured, with:
- the number of total visits
- the number of repeat visits
- the number of first time visits
- the number of bounces
- the number of page views
- the number of conversions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Usage: you can generate the file in real-time by going to:
Example Stats Summary XML file
2. Visitors Details
Generates an XML file containing the details of your recent visitors. For each visit you will get:
- visit ID
- timestamp of entrance
- URL, page name and page group of entrance page
- full click-path (timestamp, URL, page name, and page group of any subsequent page views during the session)
- IP
- number of visits by this visitor
- referrer (if any)
- keywords (if any)
- user agent
- screen size
- screen color
- Time period: you can have the file list only visitors during a certain time period by adding time_min and time_max parameters to the URL: http://www.web-stat.com/XMLdetails.htm?key=API_key&time_min=timeMin&time_max=timeMax
Both timeMin and timeMax must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Example: http://www.web-stat.com/XMLdetails.htm?key=API_key&time_min=2012-11-08 03:16:57&time_max=2012-11-08 06:16:57
- IP: you can have the file list only visitors connecting from a certain IP by adding an ip parameter to the URL: http://www.web-stat.com/XMLdetails.htm?key=API_key&ip=IP
Example: http://www.web-stat.com/XMLdetails.htm?key=API_key&ip=
- Limit length of file: you can have the file list only the last N visitors by adding the n_lines parameter to the URL: http://www.web-stat.com/XMLdetails.htm?key=API_key&n_lines=N
Example: http://www.web-stat.com/XMLdetails.htm?key=API_key&n_lines=100
Note that the n_lines parameter will not be taken in consideration if used in conjonction with an IP or a time range parameter. It needs to be used alone.
Usage: generate the file in real-time by going to:
Example Visitors Details XML file