Web-Stat's Connection Counter

Display the number of visitors currently on your site!

Add to your page some text like 'currently X people online' (or whatever text you wish to use) then replace the 'X' in the text with the code below.

Please log in to get the code for your account

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Note that if your site is not very busy, there is a good chance that a '0' (zero) will appear in the place of the 'x' : this simply means that no one is on your site right now. If you reload your page, Web-Stat will see an active visitor (yourself) and the online counter will then display '1' (unless you have set Web-Stat to ignore your own visits).

If the counter stays at zero, make sure that the Web-Stat tracking code is installed throughout your site. The tracking code is needed for the online counter to activate (if possible the online counter code should be installed after the tracking code, so that the very latest visitor to enter your site can be seen by the online counter).

Optional advanced configuration
There is only one parameter in the code above: notice at the end the part that says ###### ; this is where you can specify the hexadecimal color that will be used when displaying the connection number. Simply replace the 6 '#' characters with the 6 hexadecimal characters for your color. For instance, black is 000000, white is FFFFFF, red is FF0000, blue is 0000FF, etc. Use an hexadecimal color chart (search for that term in your favorite search engine) to find the hexadecimal code for the color that you need.