Referrers and Search Engines tracking

Learn how to detect all referrals to your web site

Referrer tracking is probably the most important function of Web-Stat. It allows you to know precisely where your traffic comes from, in what quantities, and along what trends. This knowledge is essential if you are actively marketing and promoting your web site as it allows you to calculate your return on investment for every single referencing or pay-per-click campaign that you undertake.

When properly installed and configured, Web-Stat will:

The purpose of this page is to review installation and configuration procedures that will allow you to benefit from the full power of Web-Stat referrer tracking


For precise referrer tracking it is important that the Web-Stat code be properly installed. You need to verify that:

  1. the code is installed on every possible entrance page into your site, so that Web-Stat gets loaded immediately upon entering your site and not two or three clicks later.

  2. you have installed the standard or advanced code (the simplified code is not capable of referrer tracking)

  3. the code on your site is exactly identical to the code we issued

If needed, installation instructions and the code for your account can be found in the FAQ


The default installation above will correctly monitor every 'classic' referrer like search engines, directories and any site that links to you with direct HTTP links. It requires further configuration in the following cases: